How to make an amazing email

You want your email to be amazing, you want people to read it and go wow – thats what we often get asked, so how do you as a business accomplish this?

1. who is it from, make it clear across all your marketing

Why not make sure all your business marketing follows a similar look and feel across everything, so your flyers look like your emails and look like your posters, why do this? well simply people are more likely to recognise you and recognise your offering and that has to help doesn’t it?

2. What are you offering?

Make it clear, you don’t have long so address it early on, who your company is and what you are offering and most importantly WHY it matters to the recipient – if you can do this you will see click rates rise.

3. What is the call to action?

We’ve already mentioned this but its worth saying again, what do you want a recipient to do when they read you email, say it once then say it again and you know what, say it again!

4. Use a great and relevant image

Our brains process images far faster than text so make sure that any image you include is relevant to what you are offering, if its tickets for a concept then use an image of the artist, if its a product then use an image of the product or how it can be used.

5. Include social sharing

This should be a no brainer these days, send an email to a recipient and allow them the opportunity to easily share this through there own social networks, mailPDQ allows you to do just that.

6. are all your emails legally correct?

All emails you send should comply with the relevant legal requirements, in mailPDQ all emails have the visible unsubscribe links and company details, physical address etc, if you don’t do this then not only are you breaking the law but you are also potentially damaging your businesses reputation.

So there you have it, some simply tips on how to write that amazing email that can make a difference to your business, if you want to talk about professional email marketing than can achieve real results then please get in touch here.


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