Now that 2015 is upon us, what is the best strategy for your email marketing campaign? Email marketing has long been a powerful tool to improve relationships with customers. Here are some different ways email marketing can help you find your target audience.
Say Hello to Images
Several studies have been done on email marketing to find out what people are reading and what they are avoiding. Image-based emails are opened 2/3rds as much as the text-based emails. If you want to find out what people want, test out image-based emails versus the text-based emails to determine which is best for your customer’s needs. Mixing the text and images is a great way to find a unique balance with the customers to determine what they need.
Email Readiness
When is the best time to send out emails? The emails need to come out on a regular schedule to ensure they are received on time. When is the best time to send the email for people to read them? Some people read emails in the morning while others read them in the evening. How can you find the right time of day to send the emails? Do a two-string test of emails that you send out in the morning and evening to find out which ones are read.
How often should you send out emails? The best time to send emails is when you have something to announce. Send out a weekly email with updates for your customers. If you send out too many, you can start to lose readers. Follow up emails are another important element to your campaign as customers need to know you care. A follow up email will allow the company to find out relevant customer data while showing the customers you are invested in them.
Now the sales message, if you need help in getting your email marketing viewing rates and click through rates higher with more email engagement then come and speak to the team that knows its view from its clicks, you can contact us through the website here.